Sports cars are available for sale through dealers and auctions, and on the Internet. Auctions often advertise bargain prices, which they call wholesale rates. Many such prices are bait to attract unsuspecting customers, who end up paying extras like taxes, money for the fuel already in the car, valet charges and more. Therefore, it is better to exercise a little caution before going in for such 'deals.' You can help yourself by checking out the auction company's credibility, making inquiries about the car's price at other places, examining the car for defects, finalizing a budget for yourself, and familiarizing yourself with the auction procedure by attending other auctions.
If you choose to buy from a dealer you must conduct some research prior to visiting the showroom. Find out about the car, other dealers who may be offering a better price, and other factors. Test-drive the car before you decide to buy it. Do not discuss your finances with the dealer; it would suffice to inform him how much you are willing to pay. Take advantage of finance schemes and make sure to get details of extras that come with the car, such as free gifts or warranties. Once you reach the price that you are comfortable with, don't bargain further in the hope of a better offer.
Many sports cars are bought and sold on the Internet these days. Websites feature attractive specs, pictures and reviews of sports cars to attract customers. Shortlist advertisements give complete details about the car, mode of payment, conditions of sale and other information. Avoid advertisements that are vague on details. Examine the seller's record on the site; if possible, speak to one of his previous customers. Try to arrange for a test drive and a viewing of the car before you pay for it.
If you choose to buy from a dealer you must conduct some research prior to visiting the showroom. Find out about the car, other dealers who may be offering a better price, and other factors. Test-drive the car before you decide to buy it. Do not discuss your finances with the dealer; it would suffice to inform him how much you are willing to pay. Take advantage of finance schemes and make sure to get details of extras that come with the car, such as free gifts or warranties. Once you reach the price that you are comfortable with, don't bargain further in the hope of a better offer.
Many sports cars are bought and sold on the Internet these days. Websites feature attractive specs, pictures and reviews of sports cars to attract customers. Shortlist advertisements give complete details about the car, mode of payment, conditions of sale and other information. Avoid advertisements that are vague on details. Examine the seller's record on the site; if possible, speak to one of his previous customers. Try to arrange for a test drive and a viewing of the car before you pay for it.